Meditation and Compassion for Nurses

Science Proves that Meditation Works! You've probably read it before, either on this site or somewhere else, that meditation can foster compassion (there's even scientific evidence proving this!). And, we know through scientific research that meditation works to effect changes in the brain as well. So, through meditation, learning to know one's mind and know one's heart go hand-in-hand. When you come to know your mind, your heart follows and vice versa. Okay, so assuming that's the truth, how can you learn to take better care of yourself through the art of meditation? How can you learn to be more [...]

2015-03-09T16:23:25-06:00By |Nursing|0 Comments

Meditation for Nurses: Transforming the Patient Experience…

Having been a nurse for more than 30 years as well as a long-time practitioner of meditation, I’ve come to understand that the transformation of my own mind can have a “ripple effect” on the minds of my patients. When I make it my primary intention to be present, aware and compassionate at the bedside, their experience of me as caregiver (and by extension their experience within the healthcare system) is transformed.

2014-09-08T23:55:07-06:00By |Nursing|2 Comments

Nursing as a Practice of Meditation

Nursing as a Practice of Meditation While this week's post is directed towards nurses and healthcare professionals, I encourage all of my readers to have a look. Since healthcare and its practitioners can impact all of us at some point in our lives, it's important to know what nursing is doing about showing up at the bedside, mindful and compassionate. Enjoy!

2014-09-23T12:57:41-06:00By |Nursing|2 Comments

Breaking News: Meditation Heals Healthcare’s Woes!

If meditation can heal your mind, can it also heal the state of healthcare? I've never been known to think small, so my ideas about how meditation can help to bring change to the world of healthcare aren't small either. But what about this title, "Meditation Heals Healthcare's Woes!," is it possible? If you can learn to stabilize your mind, and heal its negative habits, can you take that healing into the workplace? Let's see...

Can Meditation Change the World?

And can nursing change the world...? I have to say that somewhere in my heart, I hold the aspiration to "change the world." Not in a Gandhi or Mother Theresa kind of way; those individuals are as rare as stars in the daylight. I'm thinking more about making a small contribution to the world, something that can make a difference to a few people who can then in turn, bring benefit to others. As a nurse, it's easy to get caught up in the "caring" aspect of nursing while forgetting that every time you care for someone from a "meditative" [...]

2014-09-08T23:47:38-06:00By |Nursing|2 Comments
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