How to Meditate: Good Thoughts, Bad Thoughts…Five Key Points

For meditators, old and new, expert and novice, thoughts arise within the landscape of the mind. The difference is in how the experienced versus the novice meditator deals with these thoughts. How we are with out thoughts when we meditate will determine, to a great extent, how our meditation can benefit ourselves and others. If we're intimidated by thoughts, or have a difficult relationship with what arises within our mind when we meditate, then our ability to take our "meditative mind" into our daily life and integrate meditation into our life will be a difficult journey. The whole endeavor of [...]

2012-01-31T10:46:50-07:00By |Meditation|1 Comment

The Allure of Life’s Dramas, Are We Addicted to Strife?

Are We Addicted to the Soap Opera Mind? Since I first began to meditate, and even after years of meditation, I've found that the "non-meditative mind," the mind that is habituated to distraction, still remains. Though I find more peace and am able to live more presently with the mind that is free from the routine habits of distraction, there's a powerful force within my mind based on the habit of running after drama and strife. I'll call this the "soap opera mind." The soap opera mind likes things stirred up a bit, it likes to chase after drama and [...]

2014-02-24T12:27:13-07:00By |Meditation|3 Comments
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