How to Integrate Meditation Into Your Life Using Technology. 3 Reviews Plus More…

How to Integrate Meditation Into Your Life Using Technology It’s great to have a meditation practice! Whether we’re just beginning to learn, or are seasoned (meaning that we’re still learning but think that we aren’t), there are times in our lives when gentle reminders and nifty tools can help us to be consistent. We’ve already discussed how to use and integrate meditation into our on this site and addressed a number of ways to deal with obstacles to our meditation (Please see Related Posts below). In this post, we’ll answer one question that comes up a lot; "How do I [...]

2015-04-29T08:59:18-06:00By |Meditation|1 Comment

How Do You Meditate in Daily Life? Integration in Four Easy Pieces….

Frequently I'm asked what my day looks like and how I practice meditation in a busy life. Since preparing to publish my book, Minding the Bedside: Nursing from the Heart of the Awakened Mind, and starting my own business, the unfortunate fact is that the time for my "formal" practice has suffered. Yet, while I lament and moan about the lack of time to formally practice, it seems like the integration of practice into my daily life, and my ability to take life onto the path, has increased. While there really is no substitute for formal practice in terms of [...]

2011-10-25T11:49:30-06:00By |Meditation|0 Comments

Why Meditation Matters in Healthcare! Five Simple Reasons…

Meditation Matters in Everything that You Do...   Meditation matters in your life. It matters in your relationships and in your family. It matters when you drive the car and when you eat your meals. (starting to see the pattern here?) Meditation matters everywhere! It almost seems like I could start a Dr. Seuss rhyme here, " a park, on a train, in the dark, in the rain!..." Previous posts on this site, as well as posts on other sites like What Meditation Really Is, The Promise of Mindfulness Meditation, and even on Richer Life, have stressed the importance of [...]

2016-01-12T17:17:30-07:00By |Nursing|1 Comment
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