Meditation Tip of the Week: How to Use Anger in Meditation

Does Anger Ever Get Away From You How often do you experience a situation where you can feel the anger arise, you know that it's coming, and yet you're not be able to do anything about it? Do you ever wish that anger didn't have such a hold on you? Would you like to be able to work with anger so that instead of leaving you feeling helpless, it helped you to work on your meditation practice instead? Great...

Do You Find it Difficult to Meditate? Don’t Fool Yourself, Meditation Isn’t Easy…Yet!

What you may find as you begin to meditate is that many of your habits of being distracted seem to get worse. You'll sit down to begin your daily practice of 20-minutes and before you know it, you've gotten up from your cushion or couch and are writing down your shopping list. Resistance happens because we're not used to just observing our usual mind, the normal mind that delights in being distracted with thoughts and emotions.

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