About Jerome Stone

Jerome Stone is a Registered Nurse and the author of the book Minding The Bedside: Nursing from the Heart of the Awakened Mind. He also has over thirty years in a variety of health-care settings and is a long-time practitioner in meditation, with an emphasis in the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism and Christian and Kabbalistic Contemplation. More About Author Jerome Stone - More About The Mission of Minding The Bedside

Adding Aromatherapy to Meditation…

Your Nose: Your Ally in Managing Stress How many of you can say that a certain smell can trigger a thought or memory good or bad? My sister had great deal of difficulty with catholic school and the smell of chalk triggers anxiety for her. On the flip side, I remember my youngest commenting how much he loved coming home from college on his breaks because “it smelled like home.”  Fragrances have a strong effect on our moods, emotions, and physiology and can leverage the intrinsic functioning of the limbic system to influence behaviors and moods. Science is recognizing the [...]

2021-10-22T20:39:09-06:00By |Guest Post|0 Comments

Do You Find it Difficult to Meditate? Don’t Fool Yourself, Meditation Isn’t Easy…Yet!

What you may find as you begin to meditate is that many of your habits of being distracted seem to get worse. You'll sit down to begin your daily practice of 20-minutes and before you know it, you've gotten up from your cushion or couch and are writing down your shopping list. Resistance happens because we're not used to just observing our usual mind, the normal mind that delights in being distracted with thoughts and emotions.

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